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Monographs & Articles

Value of Laboratory Medicine in Switzerland

M. Schlander, R. Schäfer, L. Selberg (2023):
Nutzen der Labormedizin in der Schweiz.

Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2023
Monograph, 303 pages
(ISBN 978 3 662 66824 5)

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HTA-informed Decision-Making by GBA/IQWiG in Germany and NICE in England: The Role of Budget Impact

R. Schaefer, D. Hernández, T. Bärnighausen, P. Kolominsky-Rabas, M. Schlander (2023):
Health Technology Assessment-Informed Decision Making by the Federal Joint Committee/Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care in Germany and the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence in England: The Role of Budget Impact.

Value in Health 2023; 26(7): 1032-1044

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Evaluating DCE-WTP Analysis and RS-WTP Analysis in a HTA of a Treatment for an Ultra-Rare Childhood Disease

D. Moro, M. Schlander, H. Telser, et al. (2022):
Evaluating discrete choice experiment willingness to pay [DCE-WTP] analysis and relative social willingness to pay [RS-WTP] analysis in a health technology assessment of a treatment for an ultra-rare childhood disease [CLN2].

Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research 2022; 22(4): 581-598

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HTA in England, France and Germany

R. Schaefer, D. Hernandez, L. Selberg, M. Schlander (2021):
Health technology assessment (HTA) in England, France and Germany: What do matched drug pairs tell us about recommendations by national HTA agencies?

Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research 2021; 10(16): 1187-1195

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Orphan Medicine Incentives

European Expert Group on Orphan Drug Incentives (2021):
Orphan Medicine Incentives: How to address the unmet needs of disease patients by transforming the European OMP landscape?

Copenhagen Economics, May 2021

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HTA Agencies Need Evidence-Informed Deliberative Processes

M. Schlander (2021):
HTA agencies need evidence-informed deliberative processes: Comment on “Use of evidence-informed deliberative processes by health technology assessment agencies around the globe".

International Journal of Health Policy and Management 2021; 10(3): 158–161

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Availability, Accessibility and Delivery to Patients of the 28 Orphan Medicines Approved by the EMA for Hereditary Metabolic Diseases

J.M. Heard, C. Vrinten, M. Schlander, C.M. Bellettato, C. van Lingen, M. Scarpa; MetabERN collaboration group (2020):
Availability, accessibility and delivery to patients of the 28 orphan medicines approved by the European Medicine Agency for hereditary metabolic diseases in the MetabERN network.

Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases 2020; 15(3)

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HTA and Economic Evaluation: Efficiency or Fairness First

J. Richardson, M. Schlander (2019):
Health Technology Assessment (HTA) and economic evaluation: Efficiency or fairness first.

Journal of Market Access & Health Policy 2019; 7(1): 1-12

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Determining Value in HTA: Stay the Course or Tack Away?

J.J. Caro, J.E. Brazier, J. Karnon, P. Kolominsky-Rabas, A.J. McGuire, E. Nord, M. Schlander (2019):
Determining Value in Health Technology Assessment: Stay the Course or Tack Away?

PharmacoEconomics 2019; 37(3): 293-299

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Budgetary Impact and Cost Drivers for Rare and Ultrarare Diseases

M. Schlander, C.-M. Dintsios, A. Gandjour (2018):
Budgetary Impact and Cost Drivers for Rare and Ultrarare Diseases.

Value in Health 2018; 21(5): 525–531

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Projecting Pharmaceutical Expenditure in EU5 to 2021

J. Espin, M. Schlander, B. Godman, et al. (2018):
Projecting Pharmaceutical Expenditure in EU5 to 2021: Adjusting for the Impact of Discounts and Rebates.

Applied Health Economics and Health Policy 2018; 16(6): 803–817

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Recommendations from the European Working Group for Value Assessment and Funding Processes in Rare Diseases

L. Annemans, S. Aymé, Y. Le Cam, K. Facey, P. Gunther, E. Nicod, M. Reni, J.-L. Roux, M. Schlander, et al. (2017):
Recommendations from the European Working Group for Value Assessment and Funding Processes in Rare Diseases (ORPH-VAL).

Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases 2017; 12(50)

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Determining the Value of Medical Technologies to Treat Ultra-Rare Disorders

M. Schlander, S. Garattini, P. Kolominsky-Rabas, et al. (2016):
Determining the value of medical technologies to treat ultra-rare disorders: a consensus statement.

Journal of Market Access & Health Policy 2016; 4: 33039

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Incremental Cost per QALY gained? The Need for Alternative Methods

M. Schlander, S. Garattini, S. Holm, et al. (2014):
Incremental cost per quality-adjusted life year gained? The need for alternative methods to evaluate medical interventions for ultra-rare disorders.

Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research 2014; 3(4): 399-422

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Why Do Health Economists Complain that Health Politicians Don't Listen to Them?

M. Schlander (2012):
Why Do Health Economists Complain that Health Politicians Don't Listen to Them? A Perspective from Germany.

ISPOR Connections 2012; 18(6): 14

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Pharmaceutical Prices: Pricing in a Specific Market

M. Schlander, A. Jaecker, M. Voelkl (2012):
Arzneimittelpreise: Preisbildung in einem besonderen Markt.

Deutsches Aerzteblatt 2012; 109(11): A524-528

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Health Economics of ADHD in Germany - Part 2: Therapeutic Options and Their Cost Effectiveness

M. Schlander, G.-E. Trott, O. Schwarz (2009):
Gesundheitsökonomie der Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätsstörung (ADHS) in Deutschland - Teil 2: Therapeutische Optionen und ihre Kosteneffektivität.

Nervenarzt 2009; 81(3): 301-314

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Health Economics of ADHD in Germany - Part 1: Health Care Utilization and Cost of Illness

M. Schlander, G.-E. Trott, O. Schwarz (2009):
Gesundheitsökonomie der Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätsstörung (ADHS) in Deutschland - Teil 1: Versorgungsepidemiologie und Krankheitskosten.

Nervenarzt 2009; 81(3): 289-300

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Health Economics: In Search of Efficiency

M. Schlander (2009):
Gesundheitsökonomie: Der Effizienz auf der Spur.

Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen 2009; 103(2): 117-125

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The Use of Cost-Effectiveness by NICE: No(t yet an) Exemplar of a Deliberative Process

M. Schlander (2008):
The use of cost-effectiveness by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence: No(t yet an) exemplar of a deliberative process.

Journal of Medical Ethics 2008; 34(7): 534-539

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Health Technology Assessments by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence

M. Schlander (2007):
Health Technology Assessments by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE): A Qualitative Study.

New York, NY: Springer, 2007
Monograph, 245 pages
(ISBN 978 0 387 71995 5)

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Affordability of Increasing Health Care Expenditures in Germany

M. Schlander, O. Schwarz (2005):
Finanzierbarkeit steigender Gesundheitsausgaben in Deutschland: eine makroökonomische Betrachtung.

Gesundheitsoekonomie & Qualitaetsmanagement 2005; 10(3): 178-187

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