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Our Offers

At InnoValHC, we apply proven instruments of evidence-based medicine and of value-based medicine. Using decision analytic and economic modeling, as well as established innovation and change management tools, we contribute to problem-solving in various contexts.

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Support for Decision-Makers

At InnoValHC, we are committed to support (health care) decision-makers in their search for optimal, not merely “good enough” answers dedicated to a range of challenges including, but not limited to areas such as:

  • Cost Value Analyses …
    … from conventional budget impact analyses (BIAs), cost benefit analyses (CBAs) and cost effectiveness analyses (CEAs) to social cost value analyses (SCVAs) and socioeconomic impact Research;
  • Health Technology Assessment …
    … from the application of conventional methods for evidence synthesis and assessment and CEAs to the use of innovative study designs, the evaluation of rare and ultra-rare diseases (URDs) and advanced therapy medical products (ATMPs) as well as methods to integrate broader sources of value than individual health gains;
  • Research and Development (R&D) Strategy …
    … from the identification of value drivers to value demonstration, measurement, and communication, as well as implications for project prioritization and portfolio optimization over technology life cycles.


In close cooperation with our partner institutions, notably PrimeMover Asso­ciates (in Basel, Switzerland) and Inno-Val-HC Research Inc. (in Wiesbaden, Germany; soon also in Lienz, Austria, and Brunico [Bruneck], Italy) our experts can further offer a broad range of consulting services, including

  • Subject-Specific Workshops and Seminars …
    … on topics from early development to market access, inclusion of patient-relevant and economic endpoints into clinical development programs; on meeting regulatory requirements and the expectations of HTA agencies; on collection of data and evidence generation; regarding optimized roadmaps for key jurisdictions; on promising yet realistic pricing and positioning options; as an example, please see the International Workshop of the SwissHTA Consensus Project;
  • Corporate-Level Projects …
    … from internal training and educational programs to the design and execution of value generation, market access, and reimbursement & pricing strategies aligned with stakeholder expectations;
  • System-Level Projects …
    … on new perspectives for cost value analysis, pricing of orphan medicinal products (OMPs), advanced therapy medicine products (ATMPs), and multi-stakeholder involvement including structured deliberative processes – not to mention navigating the emerging harmonized HTA regulation in Europe.