News Archive
HTA Stakeholders Call for More Efforts into the Further Development and Testing of Social Cost Value Analysis as an Alternative Approach to Health Economic Evaluation
A new position paper authored by an international group of health economists, and experts in clinical pharmacology, Health Technology Assessment (HTA), and medical ethics calls for more efforts into the further development and testing of alternative health economic evaluation paradigms, notably social cost value analysis (SCVA).
Vocatus Atque Non Vocatus Deus Aderit.
“Du kannst Tränen vergießen,
Weil er gegangen ist.
Oder du kannst lächeln, weil er gelebt hat.
Du kannst die Augen schließen und beten,
dass er wiederkehrt.
Oder du kannst die Augen öffnen
Und all das sehen, was er hinterlassen hat.“
Invitation to Stakeholders concerned with Economic Evaluation and Health Technology Assessments (HTAs)
International implementation of Health Technology Assessments (HTAs) has varied greatly, largely driven by differences in understanding and capturing the "value" offered by health technologies, such as new pharmaceutical products, diagnostic procedures, and medical devices. Given the relevance of this development, please allow us to take this opportunity to draw your attention to this year's Heidelberg Health Economics Summer School.