News Archive
Determining Value in HTA: Stay the Course or Tack Away?
Now online available: Opinion paper on "Determining Value in Health Technology Assessment: Stay the Course or Tack Away?" in the scientific journal PharmacoEconomics (online available as of November 09, 2018).
Cost of Bullying in Germany from a Societal Perspective
Epub ahead of print: Most recent research study on "The cost incurred by victims of bullying from a societal perspective: estimates based on a German online survey of adolescents" in the scientific journal European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (online available as of September 06, 2018).
Pharmaceutical Expenditure in EU5 Countries
Epub ahead of print: Most recent research article on "Projecting Pharmaceutical Expenditure in EU5 to 2021: Adjusting for the Impact of Discounts and Rebates" in the Journal of Applied Health Economics and Health Policy (online available as of August 07, 2018).
EuHEA 2018 Conference in Maastricht / The Netherlands, July 11 – 14, 2018
Now online available: Research presentations on “The Value of a Statistical Life Year (VSLY) – An Analysis of Empirical Economic Studies from 1995 to 2015” and “Attributes of Health Care Interventions that drive Social Willingness-To-Pay: Focus on Rarity (Insights from a Discrete Choice Experiment in Switzerland)” at the EuHEA 2018 Conference in Maastricht / The Netherlands, July 11 - 14, 2018.
International Workshop on “Health Systems Resilience for Rare Diseases” in Paris / France, June 27, 2018
Recent scientific research presentation on “Sustainability: Budgetary Impact and Cost Drivers for Rare and Ultra-Rare Diseases” at the Workshop “Health Systems Resilience for Rare Diseases” in Paris / France, June 27, 2018.