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News Archive


Comparative Study on HTA in England, France and Germany

Short Communication paper on "Health technology assessment (HTA) in England, France and Germany: What do matched drug pairs tell us about recommendations by national HTA agencies?" in the Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research (online available as of September 2021).

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How Much Does It Cost to Research and Develop a New Drug?

Recently published systematic review and assessment in the well-known journal of PharmacoEconomics - evaluating the range and suitability of published R&D cost estimates as to the degree to which they represent the actual costs of industry (online available as of August 2021).

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Report on Orphan Medicine Incentives in Europe

The European Expert Group on Orphan Drug Incentives (OD Expert Group) published a report with a set of policy proposals that will improve the OMP (Orphan Medicinal Product) incentive framework while reflecting the different stakeholder perspectives (Copenhagen Economics, May 2021).

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Virtual ISPOR Europe 2020

A panel session on the topic "Social Cost Value Analysis: Do we need an alternative health economic evaluation paradigm?" was organized and moderated by Michael Schlander and, furthermore, current research projects (e.g. a multivariate analysis on health technology assessments (HTAs) published by NICE in England and GBA/IQWiG in Germany) were presented online at the Virtual ISPOR Europe 2020 (November 16-19, 2020).

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